ADRA Asia Pacific Regional Leadership Meeting
Last week, the ADRA Asia Regional Office facilitated a joint Asia-Pacific leadership meeting in Bangkok, Thailand to connect together, learn, discuss and strategise the future of ADRA in the region.
Horticulture & Chicken Production for Nutrition
After becoming an independent country in 2002, Timor-Leste is one of the world’s newest nations with a population of 1.3 million. Timor-Leste ranks 141 out of 189 countries on the 2020 Human Development Index with more than 45% of people living in poverty.
Growing a Families Future: Maria’s Story
We weren’t making enough to buy things as a family and to provide for the children. The strawberries have made a good change in our lives.
ADRA Asia Communications Workshop 2022
The ADRA Asia Regional Office recently hosted a region-wide Communications Workshop for ADRA Staff in Bangkok, Thailand.
Staff Feature: Responding to Floods in Timor-Leste
Humans of Adventism is featuring 4 stories of ADRA staff working within the Asia region and their experiences living through and responding to emergencies.
ADRA Timor-Leste Distributes much Needed Items for Flood Victims
ADRA Timor-Leste has distributed items to support families affected by severe flooding that took place in Dili on Easter Sunday. These materials were distributed to the victims of 41 households who lost all of their primary possessions.
Flash Flooding and Landslides Sweep Across Timor-Leste and Indonesia Displacing Thousands
ADRA Timor-Leste is on the ground providing emergency assistance to some of the 2,000+ households displaced this week
Maria’s Story
Timor-Leste in 1975 I fled the village and ran into the forest because of the war. When I was fleeing, my leg was wounded and had to be cut off.
Aquita’s Story
Read how Aquita, a beneficiary from the LOSA project in Timor-Leste, can now grow a garden with nutritious vegetables through the support of ADRA.