Located in the Pursat province of Cambodia lives 61-year-old Ngorn Sarom and her husband Samrith Sorn, a farming family.

Due to high blood pressure, both would often get sick. Though regularly attending health check-ups at the public health centre, their health condition did not improve as they continued to live and practise unhealthy habits.
After hearing of the ADRA program called ‘Live More Abundantly’ through a village facilitator in Mrs Sarom’s Reflect Circle, both husband and wife received the opportunity to participate in the program completing 90 days of healthy lifestyle training.
During the 90 days of the program, both actively participated in the 18 sessions provided by the project facilitators.

“There are around 8-10 members coming together as a group to learn in the sessions. We discuss and learn that Lifestyle is the Best Medicine, how to eat healthy and weigh less, and how to control blood pressure. From these sessions participants and their families put into practice what they have learnt by doing exercise, eating brown rice and high fibre foods, decreasing intake of meat, eating less salt and sugar, drinking more water, no smoking or alcohol, and no MSG.”
“After 30 days, I had another blood test to compare to the previous screening to see how much I had improved. It really worked. It is amazing. My blood pressure has decreased, and I feel healthier. I am so happy for that.”

As a result, these changes make participants stronger, healthier, and more confident, diminishing high blood pressure.
“Now, I do not spend much money to treat my illness. I know how to take care of myself with high blood pressure. ADRA has changed the behaviours of my husband and I regarding hypertension, heart disease and diabetes.”

Mrs Sarom and her husband are inspired to share their experience and new healthy lifestyle habits with their family, relatives, and neighbours. They’re committed to continue what they have learnt and practiced in the LMA program in the future.
ADRA Cambodia’s Community Development Facilitator, Dot Boran said, “Mrs Sarom was one among other participants who had health issues such as a high blood pressure. She was encouraged to participate in these LMA sessions.” “She completed the 90 days and I witnessed her improvement. As one of the project team members, I am so happy to see Mrs Sarom stay healthy”
Besides the LMA program, Mrs Sarom also learns through her Reflect Circle discussions on how to take care of and feed young children including parenting with Learning through Play, nutrition, hygiene, clean water, and handwashing.
Her husband who had been a smoker for more than 30 years finally quit smoking successfully due to what he had learnt. He also learnt about home gardening and raising chickens to increase the family’s financial income.

Mrs Sarom and her family applaud ADRA for this program that has brought about positive change in their family and the community.
The ‘Best Community Household Opportunities through Improved Community Empowered Solutions’ (Best CHOICES) Project is supported by the Australian Government and ADRA Australia.
Author: Dot Boran, ADRA Cambodia
Photo: © 2022 | ADRA Cambodia
*This story was featured as the Focus Story in ADRA Asia Regional Office’s quarterly Magazine ADRA Asia Focus Vol 2 | No 3*
Visit the ADRA Cambodia website to learn more: https://adracambodia.org/