
Annual Meeting of the ADRA Asia Board 2023

The annual meeting of the ADRA Asia Board was conducted on 27th February 2023 in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The ADRA Asia Board is comprised of representatives from 3 Seventh-day Adventist Divisions; Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD); Southern Asia Division (SUD); and Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD) as well as leadership from the ADRA Asia Regional Office and ADRA International.

I am incredibly and deeply impressed that many people’s lives have been impacted. It is a privilege that ADRA is able to impact the lives of vulnerable people in various communities.

Michael Kruger, ADRA International President

During the meeting, the Board re-affirmed their commitment to supporting ADRA’s work in the region strengthening ties between the Seventh-day Adventist church and its humanitarian arm. The Asia region faces diverse and complex challenges including various political systems; religious affiliations; and increasing urbanization. Contributing to its geographical location, Asia is also considered one of the world’s most disaster prone areas.

In this environment, Pastor Ezras Lakra, Chairman of the ADRA Asia Board and President of the Southern Asia Division (SUD) noted the Divisions readiness to continue contributing to, encouraging and enabling this important work so all may live as God intended.

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