The Adventist Development and Relief Agency in the Philippines have dispatched teams in different provinces affected by typhoon Rai to conduct a rapid assessment and support communities distressed by the most powerful typhoon of 2021.

Typhoon Rai left massive destruction to over 1.8 million individuals displaced and uncertain on where to get available resources that will keep them alive in the following days.
A few days after Typhoon Rai ravaged major cities in the central and southern parts of the Philippines, the death toll and national damage to both public and private properties continue to rise. As of December 21, the Philippine National Police reported that there are 375 lives claimed by the typhoon, 515 were hurt, and 56 were reported missing.
Rai’s aftermath left communication and transportation disabled massively making assessment and relief operations even more difficult and unidentified.
ADRA, together with the Adventist Community Services and Hope Channel Northeastern Mindanao Mission, interviewed more than 800 families in Surigao City to identify the basic resources different individual needs and to report accurate assessments based on the victims who were displaced by the typhoon.
Families expressed their drastic need for food, clean water, hygiene kits, shelter repair, and medicine. Initially, ADRA was able to distribute assistance to over 850 families in Surigao City.
Electricity and communication are still out, while road clearing operations in major roads are being conducted in able for relief operations to reach their respective areas of assignments.
ADRA teams are now in the cities of Butuan and Cebu. Designated teams are in coordination with local government units in able to provide the best possible assistance given to affected families and individuals.
On the ADRA Philippines Facebook Page, Tom Pignon, ADRA Philippines Country Director, appealed on behalf of those who were greatly impacted by this calamity, to stay united and to keep a stronger will in overcoming this unprecedented feat.
“The support of individuals, groups, and churches will enable us to help thousands more,” Pignon said. “Lives have been torn apart by this devastating typhoon. As the Adventist church responds to this disaster, let us remember that we are stronger together…Together we can do so much more to help those who are affected,” Pignon added.
For updates on ADRA’s typhoon efforts in the Philippines, visit HERE.
Original Article: ADRA International HERE
Photo Credit: © 2021 ADRA Philippines